September 2024
Commodore's Comments
by Kristin Korinko, Commdore 2024!
Greetings all esteemed club members!
Aahh.. September... a hint of Fall in the air (it ebbs and flows).. football season is upon us (will it be a season to remember?)... and a wish for calm seas but optimal winds! September at the Shell Point Sailboard Club means a few things. First, elections are upon us.

September is the month that we as a club come together and vote on the club's future vision. We hope that you join us Tuesday, September10th at 7p for our club meeting to cast your vote not only for the officers and board members, but we are also voting on the issue of a dues increase ($5). We will review the “why” for this increase at the club meeting.
We have also started to look forward to upcoming events including the Endless Summer Classic. Please feel free to give me a shout out if you are willing and able to volunteer on any small but needed tasks. At present, we need a Team Lead and crew for our Hungry Tiki Regatta Grill. We will be holding a final Endless Summer volunteer meeting on Monday, September 23rd 630pm at Casa Grande Margaritas and Cocinas on Thomasville Road (aka “Mexican Beefs”) to finalize the plan and prep!
Shout out to all our September birthdays! Enjoy the next trip around the sun, calm seas, and peak winds folks!
Just a reminder, our next club meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 10th at District 850. We hope that you will be there to elect our new officers and help to shape the future!
We hope to see you there!
Kristin Korinko (Olson)
Commodore, 2024

37th Annual
Endless Summer Sailboard Classic

Registration for the 37th Annual Endless Summer Sailboard Classic is underway. Register now and before September 27th to receive early registration discount ($10) and guarantee your shirt size.
Notice of Race, registration information, etc are available online.

Summer Series 2024
The Summer series this year has been off the charts with the wind. Though we had to cancel two races due to lightning, all the others had at least 10knots of wind to sail in, going up to 15 to 18. Participation in the LT, Open Limited, and Sport fleet has been good while Open Unlimited has not, but that is understandable due to the fear people have of racing Mr. Joe Sisson! However, it’s not whether you win or not, it’s just fun getting out there! However, I do understand that the $1 cash prize in each category can cause angst when you aren’t sailing well.
This last race was something a little different, even though we kind of saw it coming in the previous race. We have a 6.5 sail rigged up for practice day people, but with the wind blowing like it’s been, many of them stay with the smaller sails. Instead of seeing the sail sit on the beach, we have an experienced sailor whose identity we shall say has become known as “The Disruptor!” This person grabs the 6.5 and the Ukrainian board (our blue and yellow one) and joins the races, causing disruptions along the way, such as yelling port, which is meaningless, but for new sailors makes them wonder what the heck is going on. There was also one incident, that we now call the Ukrainian vs. the Romanian, where in rounding a jibe mark, the Disruptor flipped his sail to the other side only to have the Romanian run into it. Words were exchanged, but, due to summer series being a fun event, many an infraction is overlooked and the racers just laughed it off.
The last series of racing on September 1st started with the lightest wind yet and the fewest sailors. However, those that came down had a great time and some new people joined us on the course.
Hope to see you on the course next year. Remember, this is just a fun time even though the $1 grand prize makes everyone try their hardest.

SPSC Club Minutes, Tuesday, 8/13/2024
Place: District 850
Commodore: The meeting was called to order at 7:06 pm with 22 members (one of them being a new member from lessons this year, hint, hint, to other new members) present. Thanks to Nancy and family for doing the Rum ‘n’ Root Beer, thanks to ROADIES et al for moving trailer, and thanks to a hard-working board.
Vice Commodore: RnR good, but IGN
Scribe: Thanked Ted for all his wonderful articles
Purser: Big expense was our insurance of $2,813.78 up some from last year. Also bought a new mast foot, some hoppity hops, and new brochures. The towing bill on the trailer was $250. We have 102 paid members
Past Commodore: Absent
Board member Vaughan: Though he didn’t participate, he had fun watching the RnR games. Jack chimed in saying he played but the running about did him in,
Discussion items:
Memberships: Commodore told Will that what he was doing was working. The fire house presentation was cancelled due to no AC.
Endless Summer: October planning meeting coming up. Kristins third time doing it. The t-shirt picture was unveiled with oohs and aahs. The meaning of the phoenix was explained. Need to get sponsors confirmed and have them reach out to Kristin. Also let her know if you are interested in volunteering.
Beach Report: Moving trailer back tomorrow and putting it further down the beach.
Elections: Presented the slate of officers with Rick being a late entry for Vice Commodore. Ted as Commodore with Bob as Scribe and Wright as Purser. Suggestions for board members were floated around. Bob Andrews was nominated and accepted.
Dues: Talk about increasing dues by $5. Some folks questioned why, but they were taken out and shunned. Dues may go up for fiscal year 2024-2025 depending on the vote.
The presentation was on Olympic sailing.
Adjourned when all was said and done at a bit after 8pm.
Upcoming Events:
Summer Series, June 2nd - August 18, 2pm
Endless Summer Sailboard Classic, October 12-14, Chair: Kristin Korinko
Atlanta Fall Classic, October 18-20, Chair: Chris Voith*
Presnell’s Bayside Marina, November 17-24, Chair: None*
Christmas Party, December 14, Chair: Ted Avellone
Festivus, December 15 or 22, Chair: Vaughan Williams