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May 2024

Commodore's Comments
by Kristin Korinko, Commdore 2024!


Aahh.. May… Spring continues.. yet another successful Stephen C. Smith Memorial Regatta is in the books… Happy Mother’s Day to all… and we all see yet again how the wind has been ‘brung”…


Greetings all esteemed club members!

First and foremost, on behalf of the Shell Point Sailboard Club Board, we would like to extend a most sincere and joyous “Happy Mother’s Day!” to all who both celebrate having, being, and loving Mothers of all ages and types.  I have included a picture of my Mom and my Mother-in-law enjoying a Windsurfing training day back in 2021.

The 51st Annual Stephen C. Smith Memorial Regatta is a Wrap!  A HUGE “Thank you!” to all who participated, volunteered, and partied!!  The dedicated group of volunteers affectionately referred to as the SMITHEREENS showed up and showed out in full force, ensuring that this year’s event was the best to date!  A special THANK YOU to Andrea Bennett- you lead with courage, stamina, and perseverance! I cannot wait to hear what the level of support we  extended to this year’s donation to the American Cancer Society.

Our favorite beach is looking better and better.  Again, please send out a huge THANK YOU to all the ROADies and other volunteers who continue to pitch in to restore the beach and our training trailer areas to their beautiful state. Although we are post-tornadic activity that took place on Friday, May 10th, I have no doubt that our favorite beach will continue to be showcased as the BEST beach around with the ROADies nearby.  HUZZAH! 

Shout out to all our May birthdays !  Enjoy the next trip around the sun, calm seas, and peak winds folks!

Just a reminder, our next club meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 14th at District 850.  We hope that you will be there and more windsurfing tidbits!   

We hope to see you there!

Warm regards,


Kristin Korinko (Olson)

2024 Commodore



From an Outsider Looking In


Now that I am back in Minnesota, facing 30-degree temperatures and a bit of snow in mid-April, my thoughts go back to the few weeks that I spent in Tallahassee, visiting with my brother Bob and sister-in-law Sandy. The afternoon that I arrived in Tallahassee, I was whisked away to Chrissy’s birthday party in the woods somewhere. I got to meet a wonderful group of 20 knot snobs, enjoyed a potluck meal and marveled at the martini preparation by Perry. During the martini toast, I understood the Russian “na zdorovye” but after that, I was clueless.

With the few Friday evening happy hours that I attended, I came away with the impression that the Shell Point Sailboard Club members keep the majority of Tallahassee breweries and pubs afloat with all the beer that is consumed. Never having acquired a taste for alcohol, I felt like odd man out sitting there with a Coke in my hand. As an FSU student in the late 60’s and early 70’s, I could relate to many of the conversations that were taking place about Tallahassee and the university. I found old Bob (aka BAAAAB) especially intriguing with all the encounters he experienced back then.

I told my brother, on a few occasions, how much I envy him and the incredible group of sailboard club members that he is associated with and the fun that I imagine everyone has during the Wind Ceremony, Endless Summer Sailboard Classic and other beachside events throughout the year. Then there is the Stephen C. Smith Regatta Cancer Foundation event that I noticed many sailboard members pour their hearts and souls into helping make it a success. So, to everyone that I had the opportunity to meet during my time in Tallahassee, thank you for your wonderful hospitality. This coming winter, while bundled up to withstand minus 10-degree weather and shoveling snow from the driveway, my thoughts will be of Tallahassee, Shell Point, sunshine and all the club members that I had the honor of meeting.



John Graves


The 51st Stephen C. Smith Memorial Regatta


As the Chair for the 51st Regatta I want to take the opportunity to share my joys and many thanks. First, it was an honor to meet Stanley James “Jim” Brainerd and his wife, Florence waiting for an order from the Grille. This family traveled to attend the 51st to share Jim’s history with Stephen C. Smith and the original group of sailors. He had the pleasure of being an original member of the Apalachee Bay Yacht Club and the Hobie Fleet 43 Regatta of 1973 and 1974. As a sailor of the past, he shared a plaque of racing awards and a framed picture of a poster of the time prior to the initial memorial regatta. I had captured pictures of these items but with limited connectivity the pictures did not save…something to recapture and share in the near future! Jim spoke of the awards of the day that was a metal cup in gold, silver, and bronze and he inquired where those had gone. So much of this history has been lost so I am motivated to invite him to a club meeting to share his experiences and excitement for racing. It was an honor to meet one of the original sailors who wanted to recognize the life and loss of Stephen C. Smith, his friend.

The 51st Smith Regatta was a challenge for many to follow behind such a successful 50th event the previous year. As many wondered if the event should continue, we set modest goals to raise awareness and to appreciate every dollar raised to support those families impacted by cancer. I had a great planning committee and wish to take a special moment to recognize their tireless efforts; for many stepped forward into roles not originally agreed upon, but when the call of duty echoed, they gave of their precious time, energy, and dedication. These many leaders attending to the details include: Wright Finney, Linda Downey, Deb Berlinger, Bob Graves, Sandy Layne, Adam Bennett, Kristin Korinko, Marianne Gengenbach, Stan and Debbie Derzypolski, Susan Shoemaker, John McBride, Michael Getman, Rudy Westerman, Brent & Cindy Forehand, Rick Upson, Liz Montgomery, Lisa Stephany, and Rose Lane. Without these hard-working individuals this event would not have been such a remarkable success! Thank you, it has been a pleasure to collaborate with you on this endeavor.

Another vital component of the success of this event is the families, individuals, and businesses that sponsored the 51st Regatta, which included: Presenting Sponsors Mike & Nicole Koski and Dr. Mark Powell; Commodore and Vice Commodore Level Sponsors Kristin Korinko, PhD, Jonathan Waters and Family, Prime Meridian Bank, and Tri-Eagle Sales. Additional sponsors of the event included many Captain Level donations from Centennial Bank, Leah Chapin (Ketcham Realty Group), Tallahassee Memorial Hospital, Linda Clarke Travel, Adam and Andrea Bennett, Rick’s Small Sailboats, LLC, Ray L. McCallister, CPA, Fat Doug’s LCBT, Jon and Juliet Stacklyn, and L. Ray McCallister, Jr. CPA. Others advertised in our booklet and donated auction worthy items to further raise funds. All of this emphasized the need for numerous volunteers and coordination. This year we had volunteers step forward from the Apachee Bay Yacht Club, the Shell Point Firehouse, members from the Crawfordville chapter of Veterans of Foreign Wars, the Bank of America, and the Shell Point Sailboard Club. I wish I could recognize each, but that list is over 75 individuals!!!  If you know of someone who was kind enough to share their energies please extend our thanks. Many of these volunteers have been involved for 20 years or more! If you have not volunteered, please let us know, we would love for you to join us next year!

It is hard to clearly express the joy and kindness I have experienced while being the chair of this event. Even the sharing of support and memorials for those who have struggled, or we have lost has touched my spirit. The messages left on our walk of honor were moving and beautiful! May the winds blow softly and whisper in your ear how much we appreciate your supports and dedication to the mission of a future without cancer. It has been an honor! Thanks goes out to so many for being a special part of this 51st year of fundraising for the American Cancer Society.

-Andrea Schwendinger Bennett

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What is old school windsurfing?

I’d imagine the grey-haired sages would say it was a time when you were driving down the road and saw another windsurfer strapped to the top of a vehicle, no matter what you were doing, you’d pull over, stop, and have a chat.

Old school windsurfing is teak wishbones, tie on booms, toe smashing universal joints and daggerboards that never really stayed where you wanted them while sailing off the wind.

Free styling, rail riding, meeting every weekend at a favored location, and course racing were the norm. Throw in a slalom course, a bonfire, ibuprofen, and shared alcohol and you were making friendships for life. And the sharing of what one knows because they truly feel it.

Road tripping across the country to windsurfing events then camping out with your friends was the best… an endless summer so to speak.

Those were the days of legend… no sponsors, no hype, just the purity of the wind, water, your friends, and your board. I was there. And luckily… it’s still here at Shell Point.

With great respect,

Michael Gilley

(Borrowed and embellished)


Lessons and Practice Days are back!!

We had our first lesson of the season on April 20th and are happy to announce our newest trainer, Ryne Least!  Unfortunately, two folks did not show up, but that gave Ryne the opportunity to learn the ropes from Joe. 

We had four students with instructors Tina, Joe, Chris Graves, Ryne, and me. The list of students we had was impressive in how quickly they picked up the sport and how they kept wanting to get on the water as the wind steadily picked up through the afternoon.

The good news is that all the equipment we had held up well and the gaskets Perry and I put on the two Kona boards were still there after the lesson!  Since the Past Commodores lounge was missing, we removed all the sails from the door by the street and carefully removed the boards out the back.  After the lessons, we chained most of the board together for practice the next day.

Practice day was chaotic to say the list.  From about 11-12 there was way too much lightening activity for anyone to get on the water, even though folks wanted to.  We then had quite a few people going out as the wind steadily rose to around 20knots by 3pm.

On top of all the people wanting to sail, we had a work crew down there, guided, prodded, and encouraged by Ms. Danielle Deprelle (Pictures show her management style), to put the Past Commodores lounge back together, the outside rack back up, the drying rack back up, and straighten the shower.  Tom Madden once again secured the lounge so it wouldn’t float far.  Other solutions are being explored to keep it in place

SPSC Club Minutes, Tuesday, 4/9/2024


Place: District 850

The meeting called to order at 7:08 pm by Commodore Korinko and 18 members present.


Minutes from both February and March approved.


Commodore Kristen:  Great Wind Ceremony.


Vice Commodore Ted: Thomas and he went to Rudder Club


Scribe Bob: Ted said he would write article on Rudder club and Thomas is late on the one about the Wind Ceremony.


Purser Wright:  May have made about $300 from WC.  Upcoming expenses are few.  Lee Fountain and Miranda Capps are new members and number is at 80.


Will:  With regards to recruitment, we can’t do much better than what we do.  Need a booth to hand out information.


Discussion items

Wind Ceremony: A Success


Beach Workday: Paint the trailer on Sunday, April 14th.


Presentation on Jacksonville Regatta: Foil on the River, by Ted Avellone on Mic and Thomas Avellone on lights.  Since Mark  wasn’t at the meeting, Ted mentioned he beat Mark like a drum (I’m freestyling here) and discovered how much a wet suit shrinks when hung up for a year.  There was a North Wind and tide that were all headed towards the bridge that you had to go near to get out to the race course.  Unfortunately, Thomas went under the bridge when his sail started hitting it, so Ted, being his dad and all, went under to work with him on getting back.  Mark, observing all this, told a committee boat that went under the tall part of the bridge and got them. Ted was able to complete three races and Mark was impressed that Thomas didn’t give up but got right back out there. Turns out Olga and Mark were the LT leaders and Ted, on the last race, fell into the very chilly river.



Adjourned when all was said and done and, no, I didn’t see what time it was.


Upcoming Events

  • Stephen C. Smith Memorial Regatta, April 26-28, Chair: Andrea Bennet*

  • Summer Series, June 2nd -  August 4th , 2pm

  • Rum ‘n’ Root beer, August ? (Sunday), Chair: Unknown

  • Endless Summer Sailboard Classic, October 12-14, Chair: Kristin Korinko

  • Atlanta Fall Classic, October 18-20, Chair: Chris Voith*

  • Presnell’s Bayside Marina, November 17-24, Chair: None*

  • Christmas Party, December 14, Chair: Ted Avellone

  • Festivus, December 15 or 22, Chair: Vaughan Williams

Our Sponsors


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