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March 2022

Commodore Comments

The Green Fairy is upon us! I walked out to my truck today and noticed the wonderous green hue which graces our community twice a year. It also portends the change underway in more than just the weather. It looks like our members are getting out. The chili cook-off in St. George. Dumpstaphunk at Railroad Square. Our club members are shaking off the cold weather and ready to move on in many ways.


This Tuesday at the 850 District, you will have the opportunity to meet with several of the club members who are part of the Swami and the Festoons band. In addition, SPSC will be giving a CD of some of the band's favorite songs to everyone who attends! There will also be a video of one of the first concerts of the Swami and the Festoons band. It was so good; we had to turn it off to complete our board meeting last week.


Swami and the Festoons will be playing at the beach on March 26th. We guarantee you will have a good time! Check out the detail on our Website.

Commodore Jack May

Commodore 2022.jpg
Sunset Bar

In a word... GRATITUDE! 

On behalf of my husband and I, we would like to thank all of you who helped make our special day PHENOMENOLE!  (I had to get it in:) Go NOLES!)  Pictures and individual "Thank you!'s" are en route! 


Seriously, I had no idea what I was getting myself into that April, 2017 Sunday afternoon of the Smith Regatta (see picture above or below).  However, I thank both God and Adam Bennett for it.


Warm regards and nuttin but love for y'all,

The Olsons:)


World class my #@&! Mon by Rose Lane


While in Jamaica on my honeymoon at Montego Bay, I had a chance to try and do some windsurfing. I was super excited they advertised they had world class windsurfing. Christopher knew I just had to try it and was supportive of my endeavor, so we headed on over to the water activities desk. I inquired about windsurfing and the response was, "Do you know how to do it?", accompanied by an extremely skeptical look. I said, "yes" and then noticed off to the side the "equipment". It was my turn now to have a skeptical look.


I asked, is that all you have? and how old is that thing? The response, "Older than me Mon" told me volumes.   Not to be dismayed, I asked if they could fix the broken uphaul because I still wanted to give it a try. I told Chris to please keep a close eye on me so I don't float off into the Caribbean, or in case I needed to be fetched just in case this "world class" equipment retires permanently on me. 


The attendant "fixed" the uphaul line with a piece of additional rope. Having seen this type of fixing before on Shell Point Beach, I was slightly more confident in the rig. So up on the board I climbed and off I went on the clearest water I have ever seen. Happily, I was able to sail around the bay and get right back to where I started. Thankfully nothing popped, ripped, or otherwise failed. I finished with a huge smile on my face, very proud that I got to windsurf in Jamaica and didn't fall off once or need to be rescued.


See picture of the advertised equipment vs the actual equipment. Plus. I got to give some sad lonely equipment some long over due attention. 

Tiki Bar

SPSC Club Meeting –Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Called to order at 7:36 with 10 members present, one less than last week.  Seven of those present are on the Board.

Place:  District 850.  The food and beer, just like last time, were great.  Hopefully they will continue to let us use the space for free even though turnout is paltry.

Commodore:  Jack opened with congratulating Rose on her recent wedding and to Bill and Kristin as well.

Minutes:  Approved unanimously.

Vice Commodore:  Mentioned the Andy Brandt clinics.  Everyone then spoke about how they learned how to sail and how a clinic such as the ABK clinics would have helped them. Puffin racing in the basin at Shell Point is this Saturday.  Mark is willing to let someone else sail his boat in one of the races.

Scribe:  Thanked Perry for article and praised the Commodore for asking Perry to write it.  Rose going to write article on her sailing in Jamaica.

Purser:  We have money in the bank and gave a donation of $1,325 for the Shriners Children Hospital.  Paid $466.16 in sales tax this year.  Some expenses for beach and trailer upkeep may be in the future and money going out and coming in from the Wind Ceremony. Membership stagnating at 54 with lots of scofflaws.

Old Business: 

  • Beach Erosion: After storm surge on January 15th, with wind and rain, the supports on the end of the trailer collapsed as did some support under the wheels. Outside board rack was blown over and sail drying rack was eroded at the base. Quartermaster, Fractions, Tools, and Huh? went down and fixed things up. Still need to mover trailer forward to properly set the wheels.

  • Beach Workday: Need to build out the planter around the tree and paint trailer.

  • Wind Workgroup: Dave will get with Perry to go on over and see if he can figure out if the sensors are working in order to sell them.

New Business:

  • Legacy Page: Rose mentioned adding Bill Lawrence and Amy Kirkland to the Legacy Page.  Lots of discussion on legacy page and the fact NO ONE is writing anything on it.

  • Trailer: Trailer is rusting badly and beach eroding quickly. Thoughts on what to do abound and Joe will be writing some of these abounding ideas down to share with the Board.

  • Wind Ceremony: A chair for the event is needed.

Events for 2022:

March:  Wind Ceremony (26), MidWinters(18-20)

April:  Lessons Start, Smith Regatta (April 29-May 1)




August: R’n’R


October: Endless Summer (7-9), Atlanta Fall Classic (14-16)

November:  Presnell (6-13)

December:  Christmas Party (10), Fesitvus (18)


Adjourned at 8:15 pm.

Our Sponsors


For questions or comments regarding the SPSC, please contact SPSC Commodore
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