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Jump n' Jibe Journal

March 2021


A Message from the Commodore

Hello Everyone,

March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb. At least that’s what my Dad used to tell me about the weather in March when I was growing up in PA.

Three months into this year and we are still in the midst of the pandemic, however, with vaccines rolling out continuously may this year go out like a lamb just like the month of March and Covid wander off to pasture for good.

I will be contagiously optimistic about this year and believe it will roll out better and better as each month goes by.


Just think about this month and what we have to look forward to with Daylight Saving time coming we can Spring forward an hour on March 14th and have extra daylight. Yay!! There is March Madness and St. Patty’s day too-so Kiss me I’m Irish!  Also, the Midwinters are happening if you’re up for a road trip to Clearwater.  Good Luck to our friendly Scribe, Bob Graves who will be representing our club at the race.  Go Bob Go!!

Normally we would have our one of a kind Wind Ceremony this month to coincide with the Vernal Equinox, bummer we can’t yet.  But, a last that was a “yet” not a never.  So never say never and just believe that the winds are coming and we will get to see Swami and the Festoons appear at some point this year when the Cosmic forces have realigned. Just think we could burn all our masks! What fun that will be!

As our last Endless Summer shirt displayed the Phoenix our club will rise again to carry on with our full array of events and lots and lots of sailboarding throughout the remainder of this year.  In the meantime get your equipment ready and check for any repairs needed. Promote our club to family and friends to sign up for a lesson this year and to join the club.  The Stephen C. Smith has been scheduled for June and there will be an auction so please consider donating that really cool thing you have that you know someone would love and you just don’t have room for anymore.  I know this month will fly by and the weather will be beautiful so I look forward to seeing you out on the water soon.

All my best,

Rose McCaffrey


Joining a Club by Bob G.

I would like to thank all those who have joined the Shell Point Sailboard Club, both new members and old, and active and semi-active.  The membership dues in the SPSC have not changed since their inception in 1987 and there appears to be no need to raise them in the future.


I encounter people all the time who say, “Why should I join club, what does it do for me?  I can sail, bike, play tennis, run, etc, whenever and wherever I want!”, totally missing the point of club membership.  I pay dues to the Tallahassee Mountain Bike Association (TMBA) , the Tallahassee Tennis Association (TTA), SPSC, and US Windsurfing.  Why pay dues if there is nothing in it for me personally?  Clubs are great advocates for your sport, ensuring that there are great bike trails, fun organized runs, help for those getting started in the sport, social gatherings, etc.  So many people take advantage of what clubs have brought to this area without realizing that it has taken a lot of hard work from club members and the dues that are paid in.


Due to SPSC advocacy, there is a public beach at Shell Point!  All the land that is now a public beach used to be private property, and many of the homeowners there wanted to keep it that way.  However, the SPSC liked sailing there and led the charge in getting a grant to make the beach public.  On top of that, the club has been giving free lessons for 30 some years.  Due to the great relationship that has been forged between the club and Wakulla County Parks and Recreation, we have been able to stage our training trailer at the beach.  Fortunately, we have had lots of equipment donated, but every now and then, we need to buy something to ensure our students have a great experience.

If you participate in an activity/sport in Tallahassee that you enjoy, please consider joining the club that supports that activity.

SPSC Board Meeting February 2, 2021


Place:  Bob Graves home.  Supper consisted of Munchies Pizza and a wonderful salad assembled by Sandy topped off with strawberries, pound cake and whipped cream.

Attendance: Wright Finney, Rose McCaffrey, Mark Powell, Bob Graves, Dave Denmark, Jack May, Kristin Korinko, Joe Sisson (zoom), Deb Berlinger (zoom)

Commodore: Impressed with the ROADies work and she now knows everyone’s secret identity, so they are no longer secret.

Vice Commodore:  He has nothing, then, somehow, his comments devolved into talking about crossing the equator, which Dave has done several times, reminiscing about the hazing that takes place.

Scribe: Asked Mark to write an article on the Wing lessons he took at North Beach Windsurfing.

Purser: We have money in the bank, after depositing money from dues and shirt sails and paying taxes.  We owe money to Stan for training trailer back doors.  Shriner's were given $700 from the club member donations and wrote us a truly kind letter thanking us for it during these hard times.

Action Items:

  • Flagpole:  Need a warm day to paint pole.  Need to sand it first.  Wright will set up day.

  • Windy:  Need calm day which we have had none of.

Training: Dates are set and published under Events on the website.  Going to keep classes small at around 4 or 5 with practice days the day after a class.  Practice days are not listed on the calendar. Wright mentioned we may need to move trailer in a couple years due to tidal encroachment and he called the county to see if they were going to do something about the beach erosion.

Fiesta Key:  Everyone has cancelled but get ready to grab a spot for next year early!

Wind Ceremony:  No practices scheduled yet.  The date will be pushed from the original end of March.

Events for 2021:

  • February:  Fiesta Key: Cancelled

  • March:  Mid Winters: March 12-14 and Wind Ceremony: TBA

  • April:  Stephen C. Smith Memorial Regatta: April 24-25 (or TBA)

  • May:

  • June:  NIMBY: TBA

  • July:

  • August:  Rum ‘n’ Root Beer: August 8, need a chair

  • September: 

  • October:  Endless Summer: October 16-17 and Atlanta Fall Classic: TBA

  • November:  Presnell’s: November 18-22

  • December:   Christmas Party: December 11 and Festivus: December 19


New Business: Bob asked the board meeting time to gather for supper be moved to 6:30 instead of 7, and the meeting itself start at 7 instead of 7:30.  It was agreed to with 8 members voting yea and 1 member voting nay.

Club Meeting Locations:  Checking into District 850 and Momo’s but the consensus was not to call meetings yet.  We all need to keep looking for locations.

Board Meeting Locations: NOTE:  Dave and Kristin switched. March 2nd (Kristin), April 11th (Mark), May 4th (Jack), June 1st (Joe), July 6th (Dave), August 3rd (Wright), September 7th (Rose), October 5th (Deb), November 2nd (Bob), December 7th (Wright)


Meeting adjourned at approximately 8:30pm

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