June 2022
Commodore Comments
This Month I want to talk about some of the extracurricular activities that our members engage in besides Windsurfing. Our calendar reflects some official events, but I bet some newer members don't know we have folks in our club who are active in Kayaking the local rivers. Also, we have members who have boats that love to go scalloping in August or make a run to the Shoals for a day spent leisurely drinking and enjoying each
other's company about 8 miles offshore. The Shoal is an area where the depth rises to 3 or 4 ft allowing you to stand as you consume your favorite beverage. I believe Wright coined this event as the "Sip and Squirt." SPSC also has a growing group of campers who like to meet and spend a week at the local campgrounds. For many years members of this group would trailer down to the Keys for a week or two. Let's say our group likes to get around. If you have any ideas on activities you would like to see our club try; please email SPSC2@googlegroups.com.
I am glad to announce Rose Lane has offered to head up the Rum and Rootbeer this year; she has put on this event in the past and has been very successful. For newer club members, this is a great way to meet other members. She is looking for volunteers, and if you get the chance, Please join in. It's a lot of fun.
Finally, we would like your thoughts on revitalizing our Monthly general membership meetings. We want to make the arrangements for everyone to attend and maximize our fun quotient! So please come to the meeting this Tuesday to discuss or talk to any board members.
Your Commodore,
Jack May
On behalf of the Stephen C. Smith Memorial Regatta Foundation and the planning committee (affectionately known as the "SMITHEREENS"), we handed the local chapter of the American Cancer Society a check totaling $25,000!!! As the outgoing chair, I would like to extend my wholehearted and sincere appreciation to all who helped make the 2022 event one of the most successful events! Thank you all for all that you do!
Warm regards!
Kristin Korinko
2021 & 2022 Event Chair
In Memory/Honor of our Friends & Family
SPSC Club Meeting –Tuesday, May 10, 2022
Scribes Note: These minutes are incomplete as I think someone stole my highly classified notes from the past meeting and overwrote the files on my computer. I suspect it’s a competing sailboard club, but who knows.
Called to order at 7:35 with 11 members present
Place: District 850.
Minutes: Approved unanimously.
Commodore: Jack opened talking about the Smith.
Vice Commodore:
Scribe: Forgot what he said.
Purser: Have money in the bank, still have a CD. Member count is at 82, I think.
New Business: Discussion about the paltry attendance at the club meetings. Not sure what can be done to perk people’s interest.
Old Business:
Beach workday – Trailer needs painting and need to work on planter around the trees near the trailer.
Rum ‘n’ Rootbeer – Still need a chair. Some names were discussed and a suggestion was made to solicit a chair via SPSC2
NIMBY – nothing yet
Events for 2022:
June: NIMBY (not looking good)
July: Shoals Trip
August: R’n’R (Need someone to volunteer to be chair!)
October: Endless Summer (7-9), Atlanta Fall Classic (14-16)
November: Presnell’s (6 -13)
December: Christmas Party (10), Festivus (18)
Meeting adjourned around 8:30.